Sound and Vibration Instrument Hire and Calibration
Bruel & Kjaer 3361 RASTI - Speech Transmission Index Meter

The B&K 3361 has been withdrawn, the following details are for information
B&K 3361 : RASTI - Rapid Speech Transmission Index Meter |
The Rapid Speech Transmission Index Meter 3361 measures speech intelligibility, RASTI and speech quality values
Objective assessment of Speech Intelligibility in Theatres, Conference rooms, Schools, Industry, Aircraft etc.
Optimising speech reinforcement systems
Speech Assessment of public address systems: in Railway Stations, Airports .....
As a diagnostic tool for investigating means of improving speech intelligibility
Investigation of acoustical privacy
Measures Speech Transmission Index according to
RASTI measurement method
Speech Transmission Index given for two octave bands of carrier signal
Measures 9 points on
Modulation Transfer Function
Estimates equivalent Early Decay and equivalent S/N
RASTI index can be compared with results of theoretical models
Built-in loudspeaker for output of test signal
Selectable measuring times of 8, 16 and 32 s
Provision for entry of noise floor to simulate Background Noise
Easily calibrated
Instruments are small and battery operated
Speech Transmitter type 4225
: Sends out a special test signal, either directly or over the PA systemSpeech Receiver type 4419
: Analysis the signal and calculate the RASTI and other values.We also hire STIPA systems.
* Our standard hire charges are based on a 4-day minimum period, details other options.