Gracey & Associates   01234 708835

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Sound and Vibration Instrument Hire and Calibration

External Links and Feedback


With the best will in the world we cannot know everything about all the manufacturers products we hire. If it's not in the manual we may not know either.

The good news is - the manufacturers have Help Lines manned by specialists in their products and eager to help.

ManufacturerUK Telephone Help Line
Bruel & Kjaer 01763 255 780
Casella - CEL01234 841 100
GRAS01371 871 035
Larson Davis01489 891 853
Norsonic01371 871 035
NTi Audio01438 870632
Vibrock01773 711 211

To visit a web-site, just click the hyperlink. We have arranged for these hyperlinks to open a new window, so all you have to do to return to our site is to close the new window.

If you find our site useful, please create a link to us.

Other Useful Links
ANC - Association of Noise Consultants
BSI - British Standards Institution
Building Regulations - Approved Document E
Government UK - noise
Government UK - vibration
HSE - Health & Safety Executive - Noise
HSE - Health & Safety Executive - Vibration
IOA - Institute of Acoustics
ISO - International Standards Organisation
Metra - MMF - Accelerometers etc.,
Noise Net - UK noise and vibration information
NPL - National Physical Laboratory - Acoustics
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